French Bully Set on Fire

Graphic Video 18+
This poor dog was set on fire and than left for dead on the streets..
I hope the little fellow gets well soon and I hope they found the sick person who did this.

Does anybody have more info on this subject?
The video was posted 5 days ago, anybody a location, newsvideo or other link?
So the story of this dog is told and maybe the interwebs can help find the sick person responsible for this cruel and horrific act

Please share and when you have more info/weblinks please post as a comment.

Poor Baby

A sad update 28-08-12 : Bric did not make it 🙁
Georgia Bulldog Rescue wrote: With a heavy heart and more emotion than I can describe. Bric was called to cross the Rainbow Bridge during the night. He was not alone, both Stephanie and Lauriel were able to be there with him.
His condition began to deteriorate and progressed rapidly. We’re so sorry we couldn’t do more for you. Precious soul never knew a day without pain. I pray that the time we had you was a bit less painfull and I you felt all of our love for you.

This poor puppy, only 10 weeks old, was found abadoned in a parking lot, covered in demodex (skindisease) and parasites. Please Help the Georgia Bulldog Rescue Group, who is caring for her now by donating, so they can help Bric and other Bulldogs

Updates from the Georgia Bulldog Club about Bric:

Update: PM 8/27/2012: Bric continues to hold his own, no worse no better. At this point, with all the fluid in his lungs he is oxygen dependent. The cardiologist said his heart looks OK. Dermatologist confirmed Demodex. Our biggest obstacle is going to be whether they can clear the fluid from his lungs. The hypoplastic trachea sounds as if it is causing issues as well. The optalmologist will see him tomorrow, nothing we can do about his eye right now anyway. The odds are stacked against him BUT…when has a bulldog not had the odds stacked against them? I can’t tell you that he is completely painfree but certainly much better than yesterday. We are going to have to take this one step at a time.

Update 8/27/12: Bric he made it through the night. Condition still grave but no worse. Cardiology, ophthalmology and dermatology consults today. More information this afternoon.

8/26/12: This is Bric. This morning a young woman (Brandy) walked out of church and found this pup abandoned in the church parking lot. Mistakenly thinking he was a Pug, she posted on craigslist asking for anyone to help care for this poor creature. One hour later, a volunteer (Andrea Bishop) felt the urge to check facebook (she has no idea why, something compelled her) and opened a post asking for urgent care for a Pug puppy…only it wasn’t a pug puppy. Andrea immediately called me ( I answered, aasp) and asked me to look on craigslist, at this particular post. Within minutes, Stephanie was on the road in Wally’s Wagon.

Bric is in grave condition at Georgia Veterinary Specialists. He is covered in mange, anemic, loaded with intestinal parasites, has fluid in his lungs, a hypoplastic trachea and a very large left eye ulcer….and he’s only 10 weeks old. He is currently in an incubator with oxygen, on IV fluids and IV antibiotics. X-rays showed fluid in his lungs and also severe narrowing of the trachea. The emergency vets at GVS will be working on him diligently during the night.

He has a precious baby face and even in his terrible condition still tries to lift his head and open his eyes. He even stood when they first put him in the oxygen incubator.

Please keep Bric (named after Brandy’s father) in your thoughts and prayers. He is on the edge and deserves much better than the cards he has been dealt. Regardless of the cost, GEBR will do everything in our power to pull this little fellow through and give him the best that life has to offer.

Please Watch, Learn, Act and Share

Somethings are hard to see, hard to know. Those sad stories, the horrific numbers…
Don’t turn your head, cause the only way we can change this is to create awareness.

Every year, an estimated 5 to 10 million pets are euthanized in animal shelters only in the United States. Why? Because there is no place for them to go, no homes for them. Yet, we continue to let animals roam freely, unneutered and producing more unwanted animals. Their offspring often go from birth to the shelter where, if they are not adopted before their 6 days are up, they will be killed. That is where the expression “born to die” applies; newly born into this world only to be put to death. What a tragic waste of life. There is a solution for this overpopulation problem, and that is to spay and neuter and adopt.

Also in stead of buying a puppy from a breeder or shop you can choose to adopt a dog from a shelter or from a rescue group. There are also a lot of Rescue Groups  for specific breeds. I am making a list of Animal Rescue Groups for English Bulldogs and other dogs Worldwide, so if you know any please share so they can help more dogs from a deathsentence into a loving home. If you know a rescue group for dogs please mail the information (name/website/contactinformation) to

Please watch, learn, act and share/like.

Neuter and spay your pets and adopt pets from shelters and rescue groups. Think before you take a pet into your home, so when you do, you make that choice for their whole lifetime.

When you have enough time, money and love to care for a dog for life
look for love in shelters and rescues and save an animal .
Find a Rescue Group or Shelter near you:

Read more on what you can do against animal cruelty here:

Please share this blog, talk about these dogs in your community, convince people to go to shelters and rescues and neuter and spay your own pets.

Animal Cruelty: Michael Vick

For those who don’t know, in 2010 Michael Vick was found guilty at several offenses of animal cruelty. He did not only organised dogfights, he also tortured, hanged and drowned his own dogs.

Now I think, it is not only logical but also necessary for people to get outraged and upset by this news. Any form of cruelty or violence, wether against people or animals, should get a response like that.

Chris Rock (stand up comedian/actor) obviouly thinks otherwise.
In a youtube statement he says: white people are overreacting when it comes to Michael Vick. And he continious by saying: somebody can rape his dog, if they just dont rape his daughters. He is quoting a man, who compared Mike Tyson (who was convicted for raping a woman) with Michael Vick, and he is outraged by the comparison.

Now I do not think animal cruelty is the same as rape, but I do think both should get the same reaction; People Should be offended by it, get angry about it and speak up.

Now Chris Rock is a stand up comedian who talks a lot about free speech and fighting for your rights. Now if you lay this next to the statement about Michael Vick, he obviously dont live by his own words, when free speech and fighting for your rights, is only allowed as long as it not one of his friends or idols.

Now here is another example of a celebrity speaking on the behalf of Michael Vick.

Mos Def (rapper) is making an even more ridiculous and stupid statement. For example:

In his statement he is:
1 Comparing dogfighting with UFC fighting
2 Saying vick was found guilty without evidence
3 Saying vick found guilty cause of his purple suit
4 Saying it is a conspiricy from the government to take down the biggest NFL player because he earns to much money and is a black man

My response to that: Read More

Do I Go Home Today?

My family brought me home cradled in their arms.
They cuddled me and smiled at me and said I was full of charm.
They played with me and laughed with me and showered me with toys.
I sure do love my family, especially the girls and boys.
The children loved to feed me, they gave me special treats.
They even let me sleep with them – all snuggled in the sheets.
I used to go for walks, often several times a day.
They even fought to hold the leash, I’m very proud to say.
These are the things I’ll not forget – a cherished memory.
I now live in the shelter-without my family.
They used to laugh and praise me when I played with that old shoe.
But I didn’t know the difference between the old ones and the new.
The kids and I would grab a rag, for hours we would tug.
So I thought I did the right thing when I chew the bedroom rug.
They said that I was out of control, and would have to live outside.
This I did not understand, although I tried and tried.
The walks stopped, one by one; they said they hadn’t time.
I wish that I could change things, I wish I knew my crime.
My life became so lonely, in the backyard, on a chain.
I barked and barked all day long to keep from going insane.
So they brought me to the shelter but were embarassed to say why,
They said I caused an allergy, and then they each kissed me goodbye.
If I’d only had some classes, as a little pup.
I wouldn’t have been so hard to handle when I was all grown up.
“You only have one day left.” I heard the worker say.
Does that mean I have a second chance?
Do I go Home today?

Stop PuppyMills
Read about what You can do to stop Animal Cruelty
Read, Learn, Act, Share: Adopt, Spay and Neuter
How to Transform your Rescue Dog

Neglected Dog

The neglected dog looks such a sight! His coat is full of fleas!
Yet once he filled you with delight! He really loved to please!
The neglected dog has tapeworms, too! They’re ghastly to behold!
Yet once this dog showed love for you! He once was good as gold!
The neglected dog has matted hair and sores upon his feet!
Yet once you combed him with such care till he looked cool and neat!
The neglected dog has eyes that fall… He’s lost the will to live!
Yet once he answered every call! He had so much to give!
The neglected dog lies flat and still… He hasn’t fed in days!
Yet once you cared when he was ill! Now who cares if he prays! ?
The neglected dog pleads for your love! Is that too hard a task! ?
Yet once your love was quite enough! He didn’t need to ask!
The neglected dog has passed away… It’s too late… anyhow…
Though once you loved him day-by-day… Too late to pet him now…

Author: Denis Martindale