Help Bulldogs

Is this you ?

Can’t get enough of Bulldogs ?
Are you a level 2 or 3 Bulldog Addict ?
Do you always need more Bulldog Cuteness ?
Want to help Bulldogs and other Bulldog owners worldwide ?

This is your chance !

Join Baggy Bulldogs
and help Bulldogs

and Bulldog owners

There are many things you can do
like becoming a volunteer or foster parent,
or help out online as an administrator or editor
or donate to the Bulldog Rescue.

Help out as an administrator on the forum,
in the groups and answer bulldog related questions
to help out other bulldog owners

Help out as a editor: write blogs,
create videos on our channel,
search for bulldog related news items,
do interviews with owners
of famous Bulldogs and so on

Live in the Netherlands?
You can become a volunteer or foster parent

Or help Baggy Bulldogs by giving a Donation to the Rescue
Donations will be used to
help out with the veterinarian costs.

All help is greatly appreciated!

Want to help ?

Fill out the Form
so we can contact you
and invite you into
the Baggy Bulldog family