Skateboarding Bulldogs

They are famous for it…Bulldogs on Skateboards
Somehow bulldogs really like skating and not only do they like it they are great at it. Ive seen videos of them making quite difficult turns and goin down ramps and stairs. Maybe because of their sort legs they are so steady riding the board and bulldogs loves dogs and are practical thinkers riding a board fits its body and mind:D It really amazing to see..therefor Id thought Id share some of those videos so you can judge yourself.

A compilation of all the Skating Bulldogs across the World

Tilman a famous Bulldog Skater

A Bulldog Puppy trying it out and lookin’ terribly cute

Otto the Bulldog Skater

James Hond loves his Skateboard to..he doesnt ride them tho..just chewing the wheels of:D


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