You Can Help 2 Stop Dogfighting

Dog fighting is one of the most serious forms of animal abuse. Although dog fighting is illegal in most countries, this cruel form of abuse for human entertainment still happens every day. Infact dog fighting is making a comeback in a big way in the U.S. It is estimated by some government sources that there are on average about 16,000 dogs killed each year in organized dog fights and that number continues to grow. All over the world, in backyards everywhere, helpless dogs are being bred to fight and die for this very sick form of human entertainment. These unimaginably cruel and sick dog fighters are even going to animal shelters posing as a loveable new owner when in fact they will force them to fight against their own fighting dogs for training and to give them a taste for blood. Also, dogs are increasingly kidnapped from peoples yards and homes to die in dog fights.

Because fighting dogs is illegal, people who do these cowardly and sick crimes will try to hide any evidence of dogfighting to avoid being caught. So what do we have to look for and what do we do when we suspect someone?
Here are some tips on how to recognize dog fighting dogs and fighting areas and  who to call to report this.


How to recognize dog fighting
Multiple dogs are generally housed in one location. More sophisticated operations may look more like a kennel; in fact many that breed and fight dogs do so under the auspices of a kennel to deflect suspicion. Less sophisticated dogfighters, especially the urban street fighters generally have several dogs chained in backyards, often behind privacy fences or in basements or garages. Dogs that have been fought have fresh wounds or scars, in various stages of healing, on the head, chest and legs.


The area

Blood spattered on any surface. Dogs may be fought or trained in basements, garages, barns, and vacant buildings, so spatters of blood on any interior walls or floors should be closely documented. Dogs are often trained outside, so watch for blood spattered outside, especially near training equipment. When live animals are used as bait, there are generally remains of the animals on site. On the training location there will probably be training devices like: Treadmills, catmills (jennys), springpoles (jumppoles), flirtpoles, chains/weights, and any implements used to hang or harness bait animals. Pry bars, bite sticks, or breaking sticks are used to pry the dog’s jaws open when he has gripped onto another animal


On the Internet
Matches are often filmed and the videos can be used in court as evidence.  Many dogfighters also utilize the internet to maintain contact with other ‘fanciers’, post match stats, to order and sell supplies and dogs, etc. The newspaper can also be utilized to identify potential breeding and selling of fighting dogs. Often classified advertisements for fighting dogs include a reference to ‘game bred’ dogs.

Report suspected Dogfighting in the USA:

Report suspected dog fighting anonymously, from anywhere in the U.S.

Call, toll-free, at: 1.877.215.2250, or visit and submit a form online.

Report suspected Dogfighting  in the Netherlands:
Bel 144 (anonieme meldingen worden hier niet in behandeling genomen) Wanneer u 144 belt, krijgt u de politie aan de lijn. Afhankelijk van de melding kan de politie besluiten de Landelijke Inspectiedienst Dierenbescherming in te schakelen. Als melder krijgt u de garantie dat er zorgvuldig en conform de Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens met uw gegevens wordt omgesprongen. Natuurlijk wordt uw naam niet bekend gemaakt bij de ‘beklaagden’.

Related Blogs:
Stop Dog Fighting and Animal Cruelty
Stop PuppyMills
Stop Fighting the Dogs Music Video
Safe a Life and Adopt
Dog Fighting, Michael Vick, Mos Def and Chris Rock

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