Baggy Bulldogs

Dangerous Dog Food and Food Tips

As a responsible dogowner you should know what foods to avoid so you can prevent poisoning and keep your dog healthy.
If you suspect your dog has ingested a toxic food, seek veterinary attention immediately.

Here is a list of Foods use should avoid feeding your dog:

Now you know what not to feed your dog, here are some tips what you can give your dog for food or as a treat.


Some people believe that dog food is dog food, and buy the cheapest brand available, because, well, their dog is doing just fine.
There are others that believe the most expensive brand is better because it costs more. In my opinion, neither of these people are correct.

To find a good dogfood ask your vet for advice. Also talk to other dogowners, check the internet, make sure you are well informed. Giving your dog the right dogfood, keeps their coat shiney, can avoid medical problems and allergies, can make a difference in the amount of poo your dog produces and most important keeps your dog in good health, condition and shape.

Also make sure your dogfood is produced on a humane and animal friendly way.
There are a lot of dogfoods that are produced in a horrible way.
As a dogowner you should be well informed before choosing a food for your dog.
You don’t want to find out you have been unknowingly supporting animal cruelty by feeding your dog.

Your dogs diet should be adjusted to his health, age, condition, weight and any  allergies or intolerances. If your dog is still a puppy or a pregnant dog you should adjust their diet aswell.

A small tip: if your dog eats to quickly (which can cause puking or gasses) try to put in a tennisball in the foodbowl, this way your dog has to push it aside everytime it takes a bite so it will eat slower and digest better. Always wait a while after their diner to go on a walk or let them play.

Here is someone who cooks diner for their dogs…look like a 5star restaurant for dogs!

Note: a lot of Bulldogs are overweight, yes a bulldog is a chubby and wrinkled by nature but a lot of dogowners think it looks cute when adding an extra few pounds.
In their eyes; the bigger and rounder the Bulldog the better. This makes it hard for your dog to keep in condition, is bad for their joints and their heart and shortens their life expectancy. I think a lot of good intentioned but lazy dogowners choose a Bulldog with the thought; well I chose a Bulldog so I can enjoy the company of a dog without the effort of walking it every day. This isn’t fair to your dog, a Bulldog not enjoys walks just as much as other dogs it needs it just aswell to keep them healthy. Even if your dog has a big yard to play in you still need to daily excersize and walk your dog. Make sure your dog gets the right amount of excercize aswell as a good diet, this will not only make it a Happy Dog it will also keep it a Healthy Dog.

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