A little Boy and his Bull

Dave introduces Bella the Bulldog. A cute video of a loving boy talking about his dog…I think he uses the word cute, kind and nice about seven times and in the mean time he is giving his dog kisses and hugs..Now how cute is that?
I say we all give a comment and thumbs on youtube for David and Bella!

The Life of a Puppy

This morning, I woke up & kissed my dad’s head.
I peed on the carpet, then went back to bed.
“The life of a puppy, oh my, this is great.”

Then I thought about breakfast,” I hope it’s not late.”
Mom took me outside, we walked for a while.
This never fails to make Mama smile.
I sniffed of everything, that we did pass,
I ate something weird – it gave me gas.
I’m sure my parents loves me, I know that is true.
They gave me so many great things to chew.
Rugs, plants or rocks, I really don’t care.
What I truly like best, is Dad’s underwear.That obedience book, was sort of yummy.
Though it didn’t sit well on my poor puppy tummy.
I threw up a bit, but that was all right,
When Mom found it later, I was well out of sight.

I made streamers of T. P., while running at full speed.
Mom is pretty quick — but I was still in the lead.
I flew under the bed, and Mom flew past,
She stopped-shook her head, and breathed,
“You’re too fast.”

Mama later phoned Daddy, and said, “It was frightening!”
That afternoon, she was sure I’d pooped lightning.
She’d sat at the computer, while I chewed the cord,
She thought I was mad, but I was just bored.

When Mama had enough, couldn’t take anymore,
That’s when my tushy got shoved out the door.
I love it inside, but outside is best.
Lay in the cool grass, and had a good rest.

That didn’t last long, there was too much to do
Can’t quite remember where I hid Daddy’s shoe.
I found an old bone, and scratched at a flea,
I watched the dumb squirrels as they jumped in a tree.

I barked at the kids, when they got off the bus.
I can’t figure out why this makes Mama fuss.
I barked at the neighbor, I barked at the wind.
I barked and barked, till Mom yelled, “COME IN.”

The sun dipped in the west-soon Daddy would come!
I sure love my daddy: we always have fun.
I barked at my daddy, then turned on my charms,
I woo-wooed, “Hello,” then jumped in his arms.

Sitting under the table — it’s sooo hard to wait.
Daddy slipped me a goodie right off his plate.
I raced through the house, and scattered my toys,
Ricocheted off the furniture, and made lots of noise.

Mom found her purse – the one I abused.
Daddy let loose a chuckle. Mom asked “Amused?”
I cowered down low, I must be in trouble.
Dad said, “Wasn’t MY boy, it must be his double!”

Mom turned off the TV, and said,”Time for bed.”
Dad said “Let’s go boy,” and patted my head.
I got in my spot, between Mom and Dad,
I thought ’bout my day and what fun I had.

Mama kicked out my bone from the covers below,
Then let loose a sigh — a sigh deep and low.
She gave me a kiss, and snuggled me tight,
And whispered so softly, ‘My darling goodnight’.


Please Watch, Learn, Act and Share

Somethings are hard to see, hard to know. Those sad stories, the horrific numbers…
Don’t turn your head, cause the only way we can change this is to create awareness.

Every year, an estimated 5 to 10 million pets are euthanized in animal shelters only in the United States. Why? Because there is no place for them to go, no homes for them. Yet, we continue to let animals roam freely, unneutered and producing more unwanted animals. Their offspring often go from birth to the shelter where, if they are not adopted before their 6 days are up, they will be killed. That is where the expression “born to die” applies; newly born into this world only to be put to death. What a tragic waste of life. There is a solution for this overpopulation problem, and that is to spay and neuter and adopt.

Also in stead of buying a puppy from a breeder or shop you can choose to adopt a dog from a shelter or from a rescue group. There are also a lot of Rescue Groups  for specific breeds. I am making a list of Animal Rescue Groups for English Bulldogs and other dogs Worldwide, so if you know any please share so they can help more dogs from a deathsentence into a loving home. If you know a rescue group for dogs please mail the information (name/website/contactinformation) to baggybulldogs@gmail.com

Please watch, learn, act and share/like.

Neuter and spay your pets and adopt pets from shelters and rescue groups. Think before you take a pet into your home, so when you do, you make that choice for their whole lifetime.

When you have enough time, money and love to care for a dog for life
look for love in shelters and rescues and save an animal .
Find a Rescue Group or Shelter near you:

Read more on what you can do against animal cruelty here:

Please share this blog, talk about these dogs in your community, convince people to go to shelters and rescues and neuter and spay your own pets.