Caring for a Senior Bulldog


When is a Bulldog a Senior?


Senior dogs have different care
requirements than those of a younger dog
This fact probably doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone
But how do you know when your dog is considered to be a senior?

When is a dog technically ‘old’?
It really depends on the individual dog
When a dog is considered old depends on factors
such as the breed and genetics of each individual dog
In general, larger breeds age more rapidly ,starting from age 6
than smaller breeds, starting from age 8 to 9
With Bulldogs I consider them senior
from 7 or 8 years old

What are some of the things
to expect as your dog ages?


Your dog may develop arthritis or other
degenerative diseases that cause him to slow down
He may not be able to walk as far or play as long
or have difficulty getting into and out of the car
He may tire more easily or have difficulty getting up
or finding a comfortable position to sleep in

Dental Care

Without proper care, dental disease can pose a problem,
particularly for older pets …

Dental disease can be painful, causing your dog to avoid
or have difficulty eating his meals
This may result in weight loss

Weight loss and gain

Dental disease is certainly not the only disease
that can lead to weight loss
Senior dogs frequently suffer from
kidney disease, liver disease, heart disease
and other conditions that may result in weight loss

Weightloss does not necessarily mean your dog is sick
but it if your dog suddenly loses a lot of weight be sure
to visit your veterinarian

On the other hand, some senior dogs
may have the opposite problem
Some dogs will become less active with age,
essentially becoming couch potatoes,
and will gain weight as a result
Obesity is a major health issue in dogs of all ages
and senior dogs are no different

If your dog is less active and gains weight
make sure to adjust their diet accordingly
If your dog suddenly gains a lot of weight
it will also require a visit to the vet

Use food to keep your senior dog at his ideal body weight
Overweight dogs have a higher incidence of diseases
such as diabetes, heart disease, skin disease, even cancer

Your veterinarian can help you
choose an appropriate diet for your dog,
especially since overweight dogs must be fed
carefully to ensure that all nutrient needs are met
while still allowing for weight loss

What can you do
to help your Senior?

Extra check ups at the veterarian

Schedule regular visits with your veterinarian
Your dog needs to be examined at least yearly if it appears healthy,
as many diseases are hidden and not apparent
I would advice a check up at least twice a year for a senior dog
Remember it is much cheaper to prevent disease
than it is to treat it!

Dental Care

Take care of your dog’s mouth
Brushing your dog’s teeth may seem like a silly idea
but it can help keep your dog’s mouth healthy 
You can also use dental treats and toys
that help keep the teeth clean

Exercise your senior dog

Many elderly dogs become a bit stiffer
and suffer from some joint pain
You will notice that getting up
becomes more difficult for your dog
and that he or she slows down their walking pace

This is quite normal, your dog’s muscle strength
and physical condition do gradually decline with age
Adjust the intensity of your walks and play
and never force your dog to move
too quickly or for a very long period

It can help keep your older dog lean
and maintain healthy joints and muscles
If your senior is not used to exercise, start slow
and gradually increase the intensity

Does your Bulldog suffer from arthritis or other joint pains
but you still want to take him or her with you?
Buy your Bulldog a cart, that way
you can still take your Bully everywhere 

“Seniorize” your house

Just as you once puppy proofed your home, you now
need to provide your older dog with special accommodations
A Dog with arthritis might benefit from soft bedding
in the form of a special dog bed

Keep food and water in areas they can easily reach,
especially if they are vision-impaired
Heated beds can soothe achy joints,
particularly if you live in a colder climate

Ramps can be used to make stairs easier to navigate
if they cannot be avoided.
Even providing carpeting or rugs over hard-surface flooring
can help your arthritic dog gain his footing
and make it easier for him to get around

Older dogs need comfort & rest

Older dogs sleep more than young dogs
Therefore, make sure your dog has a warm, quiet place
in the house where they will not be disturbed

Give your senior dog a place
where it will not be disturbed
and where it can find rest
when having visitors over or
have some rest from other more energic pets,
your senior dog needs a well-deserved rest

Keep your Dog busy and learning

Provide plenty of toys to keep your senior dog occupied
Food puzzles, for example, are not only useful for entertainment
but for weight loss purposes as well
You can teach an old dog new tricks, 
so never let your dog stop learning


Enjoy this special time together

Your walkies may be a little shorter,
your ball games might be less exciting
and your dog may take a little longer to do old tricks

But it doesn’t matter if life slows down for your pooch
Cuddling together on the couch and enjoying the little things
make the life of the older dog rich,
rewarding and worthwhile for you both!




Older dogs may have some special needs
that need to be met and you will have to learn
how to care for a senior dog
With proper elderly dog care and attention,
your dog will maintain their health
and continue to lead a happy life
for many years to come

A Thank you for our members
who shared their senior Bullies with us
All Bulldogs shown in this blog
are between nine and fifteen years of age

I wish Bulldogs would age like parrots
and could become 80 years old
if we cross Bulldogs and Birds
you could have a 80 year old Bulldogs flying by 😀

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